Web SAP Netweaver Corner

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Workflow of Setting Up an External-Facing Portal

Here is a general workflow list specify the tasks of implementing External Facing Portal:

1) Define User Profiles:
Set up the portal to accept anonymous users, and define the users and groups to which anonymous and self-registered users are mapped.

2) Create and Assign Content to Anonymous/Self-Registered Users:
Select the content to be accessible to anonymous and self-registered users, and then assign these

3) Configure Navigation Cache:
To improve performance, the portal caches navigation hierarchies and nodes, so that the portal can retrieve the hierarchy from the cache instead of creating it for each request.

By default, caching is turned off. After the portal is set up and tested, turn on and configure caching by setting the appropriate J2EE parameters.

4) Create/Modify Navigation iViews:
Create your own navigation iViews, or modify the default light navigation iViews to fit your company’s needs. You can use the Navigation tag library to build JSP-based navigation iViews.

5) Modify the Light Framework Page:
Replace the navigation iViews in the light framework page with your customized navigation iViews.

6) Customize Styles in Theme Editor (optional):
The Theme Editor now includes styles that are used in the default light navigation iViews.

7) Assign Light Framework Page to Users/Groups/Roles:
Using desktop display rules, assign the light framework page to anonymous and self-registered users, as well as other users who need it.

Display rules enable administrators to assign different desktops to different users or groups of users. Desktops are combinations of framework pages and themes.

You can assign desktops based on the URL alias, role or group, or the user’s network bandwidth.

The following rules are needed:

Light Desktop:
By default, all users receive the default desktop, which includes the default framework page. Create a rule that provides the light desktop to users who need it.
For example, you could create a rule that provides the light desktop for anyone who accesses the portal with the light alias, as in http://myServer:50000/irj/portal/

Default Desktop:
Create a rule that provides the default desktop to users who need it.

For example, you could create a rule that provides the default desktop for anyone who accesses the portal with the default alias, as in http://myServer:50000/irj/portal/default. You could also create a rule that provides the default desktop for anyone in a specific group.

For more details, please refer to SAP Help Library.

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