Web SAP Netweaver Corner

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Introduction to Portal Content

We have been talking about the architeture of the portal. Now, let's me go inside the portal, and explain to you what kind of content structures we really see in the portal.

There are a few things that construct the portal content:
1) iView (we refer to this primarily)
2) Portal Page
3) Workset
4) Role
for delivery:
5) Business Package

An iView is basically an integrated platform for the web application to present contents.
A Portal Page can contain multiple iView the layout them in different positions. Worksets contain a set of portal pages and iViews that perform particular functional task, i.e. Executive Reporting function for executive group. While yo can assign a group of worksets to a role, then assign the role to an user so that he/she can see the contents of the worksets in the portal.

For delivery or content migartion, we can package all the objects (iViews, pages, worksets, and roles) in a unit call sda (software development archieve) as a Business Package.

(The print screen below will give you some idea on the explanation above.)

I will cover more on content administration in the future.

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